If you need radiology CE credits, and if you are looking to satisfy specific requirements for your certification, you might consider a combo e-course.
Sometimes states mandate a few credit hours targeting specific topics within radiology. Maybe 1 book doesn’t cover those specific hours. A Combo could help.
All radiologic technologists must complete their continuing education to stay compliant with regulations set by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®) certification program and/or to stay compliant with state requirements.
Why a Combo eCourse Is a good Option for Radiographers
A combo eCourse is a good option for radiographers because the courses meet the required CE credit hours needed for your biennium period. There’s no heavy book to lug around. You can do everything on your computer.
The information is presented electronically which might be a more rewarding experience for the user.
When you order an e-course, you can take your test online, fax in your answer sheet, scan and email your answer sheet, or snail mail your answer sheet.
What Are the Radiology CE Requirements?
It’s mandatory that all radiologic technologists (R.T.®s) complete 24 category A or A+ credits as part of their radiology CE requirements for the biennium.
Are you asking yourself, “What’s a biennium?” Keep reading and you’ll find out.
As mentioned above, it’s a two-year educational period set in place by the ARRT®. Every radiographer is given an ARRT® ID number that’s joined with their birth month, as well as the year he or she passed their licensing exam.
The biennium begins on the first day of your birth month and ends two years later on the last day of the month before your birth month. For example, if you were born in May, you would have to have your credits completed by the end of April.
The good news is that you only need to do this for your entire career, so take advantage of the things you will learn.
How Do I Earn Credits?
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® has a preset credit amount for you to complete and pass.
You can continue your education through eCourses for hard copy book & test courses. We have all types of online courses and tests, including but not limited to computed tomography, IR and radiology CE courses and credits.
The continuing education courses we provide are reviewed and approved by RCEEMs for ARRT® A or A+ CE credit. If your state has specific requirements regarding your credits, please reach out to your state-governing radiology licensing agency for CEU credit details.
Category A CE Credit Courses:
- Must be approved by a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM)
- A recognized continuing education evaluation mechanism (RCEEM) is an organization that ARRT® has approved to evaluate the content, quality, and integrity of proposed continuing education (CE) activities. Specifically, RCEEMs evaluate an activity’s educational objectives, content relevancy and accuracy, faculty qualifications, and education methods and materials that will be used by radiologic technologists.
Whatever you decide, just know we have the courses you’re seeking!
Radiologic technologists, on the other hand, can study courses in both A and A+ CE categories.
In order for your CE credits to count, you must have completed and passed the 24 hour credit continuing education requirement with a passing grade is a 75 percent or above.
You’ll have three attempts to pass the test. Once you’ve accomplished that, you’ll have completed the course and a “certificate of completion” will be awarded.
When the certificate is emailed or faxed to you, be sure to update ARRT® with your earned credits. Please note: credits can’t roll over to the next biennium term and you cannot take the same course within the same biennium.
To “Ace” the Test…
We get it, looking for course work and study materials to complete your American Registry of Radiologic Technologist® biennium requirement is a lot. Fortunately, we have the radiology and X-ray continuing education credits you need to be compliant.
An eCourse in your field of work, or a package deal with our eCourse combo sets, will help you earn those 24 CE credits fast!
We have the manuals and study materials you need to stay compliant. Your radiology career requires it.
Start knocking out credit requirements today. Place your order for eCourses or regular courses today!
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